Wednesday, August 11, 2010

coffee cake

i have been craving cake like you wouldn't believe.  spelt does okay with brownie-type baked goods but i had my doubts about how it would work in a cake recipe....

thankfully, my fears were unfounded.  in fact, i ate three pieces of this last night.....yum!

spelt coffee cake
adapted from king arthur flour

1/3 cup butter, softened

1 cup brown sugar, packed
2 large eggs, beaten
1/2 cup milk (i used rice milk)
1 1/2 cups spelt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp salt

preheat oven to 350. 

butter 8x8 baking dish.

cream together butter and brown sugar.  add the eggs one at a time and beat until the mixture is fluffy.

add milk.  (adding the cold rice milk caused the butter solids to well, solidify, which looked awful but i don't think it made a difference in the end).

add vanilla. 

in a small bowl stir together flour, salt, baking powder and cinnamon.

fold dry ingredients into wet.

pour into buttered baking dish and bake for 30-35 minutes, testing for doneness after 25.

let cool for as long as you can stand.


1 comment:

The Lunch Lady said...

Hi! I'm an all spelt kinda gal too now, switched over completely about a year ago.
This looks good.

All my baking on my blog is made with spelt. Check it out!